Smart Ways 6 Everyday Gadgets Can Be Revived After Being Replaced

E-waste refers to electronics that are thrown away in the trash, and it has increased by 21% over the last 5 years. And the worst thing is that the chemicals that these devices have can create severe environmental damage. That’s why repurposing or reusing them is important in order to give them some extra life.

1. Use your old phone as a security camera

Yes, it’s easy and cheap these days to buy a new security camera, but you can do it without spending any money. All you need is your old phone and an app that you can download for free. There are many apps online that allow you to use your phone as a camera, record footage, and even take pictures. The only thing you will need to purchase is a phone mount in order to keep the phone safe.

So, next time you leave your home for a few days, you can check on it on a daily basis to see if anything is off. It’s best to use this method as an indoor camera, since the weather conditions can harm your phone if left outside.

2. Use your old smartphone as a TV remote

Let’s say you lose your remote or, even worse, you break it. Your first thought will be to go out and buy a new one. However, you might have another option in utilizing your old phone as a smart TV remote. All you need to do is download an app that will let you change channels, control the volume, and even change the TV’s settings.

3. Use your old computer as a secondary monitor

If a second monitor is on your list of things to buy, you should consider using an old laptop if you have it. You can easily connect it wirelessly with your computer PC or even with another laptop. This will make your work a lot easier and multitasking won’t be as hard or time-consuming anymore.

The way you can do this is by downloading an app, and after it’s been set up, connect your laptop with your other computer through the USB port.

4. Turn your old tablet into a digital photo frame

Digital frames used to be very in fashion a few years ago, but not that many people use them anymore. However, instead of keeping your old tablet in a drawer, you can turn it into a digital frame. You can either download an app that creates curated slideshows or create your own slideshow and put it on the screen for your guests to enjoy. Obviously, you don’t need to have the slideshow on at all times, just when you have people around.

5. Turn your computer case into an aquarium

Nowadays, many people ditch their computers and opt for laptops that they can easily transfer from place to place. So, if you’re left with a computer case that you no longer use or that it is ruined, you can simply turn it into an aquarium. First, you need to remove all the electrical cords and secure the inside of the case so the water won’t be leaking. Then, you can add any decorative elements you want, like pebbles, grass and of course real or maybe fake fish. Lastly, you can add neon lights inside the aquarium or at the top of it.

6. Use your old tablet as an Ebook or recipe book

Most book lovers will tell you that they will never stop buying books, but some of you might enjoy Ebook readers better. So, if you have an old tablet, you can use it exclusively to read your favorite books. It is very easy to download any book you like, and the prices are usually less than you would spend if you bought the paper form.

Another cool way to utilize an old tablet would be to use it as a cookbook or recipe reader. All you will need to buy is a stand that will keep the tablet stable and allow you to access any website you want until you find the best recipe.

7. Use your old smartphone as a VR headset

Turning your old smartphone into a VR headset is easier than you may imagine. All you need is a piece of cardboard in the shape of sunglasses and a VR application that you can find pretty easily. If your phone can’t be converted to this for whatever reason, you can just turn it into a 3D viewer. Again, you will need to download the necessary app in order to be able to view 3D content on your phone.

What do you do with old devices that are still good to use? Do you recycle them, resell them, or try to find another use for them?


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